Saturday, December 10, 2016

Christmas parties!

'Tis the season for events, activities, parties and SUGAR! Christmas is in full swing! I love this time of year. I know I say that over and over again, but it's true. Recently, I heard a song that really hit me. It's called December Song by Peter Hollens. In the song, he describes all the good that comes because of the Christmas season then asks why it changes with the seasons. It is so true! Why do we only seem to gather with friends and family over the holidays? Why do we remember Christ more during the holidays and not year round? Why are we more joyful, more giving, more kind only during this season? There is a magic in the air at Christmastime. People do seem more Christlike. I know I take more time to reflect, but why can't I do that all year round? Why can't we gather for fun, meaningful activities all year round? I guess the downside would be the added weight we'd gain from all the goodies, but by then I'm sure I'd be sick of all the sugar. In any case, I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Christmas fun. On Tuesday, November 29, our church's women's organization (the Relief Society) put on a Christmas dinner for all the women in our church. It was delicious! The theme was "Christmas Trees aren't Perfect" from a book by Richard Schneider. It's about a little tree who wanted to be the royal Christmas tree, but utilized it's branches and needles to shelter and care for the woodland animals. Even though it disfigured his perfect frame, the queen still chose that tree because of the service he offered. It's a good lesson for all of us to remember. This life is not meant for us to be pristine; we are going to be bruised, trimmed, and shaped by the life experiences that will ultimately turn us into the most beautiful of God's creations.

That Friday (December 2) Jeff and I went to see A Christmas Carol at Hale Center theater. This is a tradition I enjoy sharing with Jeff. I love that we were able to get tickets in early December to set our holidays on the right path. This is such a beautiful story of redemption, change, and love...all the things Christ gave to us. 

This past week (Thursday Dec. 8) I was invited to attend my neighbor's Christmas Cookie Exchange. She does this every year. I enjoy spending an evening with several of my female friends! It's a night to connect with friends (and gorge out on SUGAR) and to remember the love they share with you during good times and bad. They truly can be our angels.

On Friday (Dec. 9), we attended our ward's Christmas party. It was so much fun! They decided to forgo the traditional dinner/program and instead created an event with several different activities focused on celebrating "joy" this holiday season (e.g., "joy of memories" where photo booths were set up to take pictures, "joy of snow" where families could make snowmen out of butcher paper, "joy of stories" where Christmas stories were read and cookies were devoured, etc.) I simply enjoyed the joy of being with friends and neighbors. That is what I love most about this time of year. I love being surrounded by the people who bring such meaning to my life - my friends and family.

Finally (at least for now), Jeff and I attended the temple last night (December 10). This was probably the most poignant Christmas activity and one I do participate in year round. It is humbling to be able to enter the Lord's House and to feel the peace therein. Christ truly is the Prince of Peace. Through His grace, we can access the comfort and peace we seek all through the years...not just at Christmas. He is truly the miracle of this season we celebrate. Because He was born, I can live. Because He lived, I can love. Because He loves, I can find peace and joy. 

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