Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Baby quilt

It has been a quiet week thus far. Dallin and Daniel went back to Idaho Falls with Stan to spend the week, which allowed me more uninterrupted time to spend with my parents and family. Like I mentioned before, having my parents in town and staying with us was the balm I had been praying for. The month of June was tough as I battled feeling like a complete failure (a feeling which I understand is intermittent, but common for all mothers) and wondering if there was anything that I could do right or if the kids even recognized any of the positive things that have happened since I joined the family. These feelings derived from several growing experiences that we encountered over the month with each of the kids. Logically, I think I was prepared for all the ups and downs I knew would come; but emotionally I could have never expected their impact on my heart. I am grateful for a wonderful companion, best friend and husband who was always there with a positive word and a healing hug. I am also grateful for compassionate, loving, sympathetic parents who secretly must have been thinking, "Finally! She now understands what we went through!", but never said it out loud. In any case, some of that uninterrupted time this week afforded me was spent helping my baby sister, Krystle, prepare for her baby. Tuesday morning I joined up with my mom, aunt, Krys and Amber to shop for some fabric to make a baby quilt. That afternoon we began the project. I am ashamed to admit that I have an abnormal fear of sewing machines, but I still helped cut and pin the fabric. I enjoyed contributing to my soon-to-be nephew's baby quilt. I loved just hanging out with the girls. What a fun, relaxing day!

Aunt Barb was our expert for the day! 

Dad just supervised. 

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