Saturday, July 13, 2013

Krystle's baby shower

Today was a busy day! In the morning, I hosted (with the help of my amazingly talented older sister, Nichole, who hosts/plans parties all the time) a baby shower for my sister, Krystle, at my house so (as you can imagine) I spent Friday cleaning and preparing for the festivities. We had over 50 people show up (and stay!) to wish Krystle well on her upcoming adventure. I know she was extremely grateful for all the support of her friends and family. As I have quickly learned, raising a child isn't a one person job. It literally takes a village to do so! I am grateful for all my "villagers" (e.g., friends, family, ward members, teachers, coaches, etc.) who do so much to impact and influence the lives of the children I am privileged to well as help keep me sane in the raising process! In any case, the theme of the shower was "Little Man". We used bow ties to decorate in her colors (lime green and navy blue...we threw in yellow as well). I think all the time put into preparing for the event paid off! Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and Little Man Tanner got a haul of gifts to start off his new little life!

Me, Nichole, Jenn (my sis in law), Krystle and Mom 

Krystle with a glimpse of her haul!
Because I had commandeered the house for the morning, Jeff found the perfect excuse to be outside in his own little world. I had to laugh because I'm not sure who had more fun...him or me. He was outside cleaning out the shop, taking care of the animals, hauling gravel, and getting rid of random dirt piles by the shop. Of course, Kate and Kaia (my nieces) were there to help as well.

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