Friday, December 19, 2014

12 Days of Service: Day 8

For today's service, I went to Walmart and bought gift cards for each of the kids to hand to a person they felt needed it. This is a repeat service activity from last year, except this time I think I received more than the kids gave. Last year, because I needed to do some last minute shopping, I let Jeff and the kids roam the store in search of people to whom to give the gift cards while I grabbed the few items we needed. I enjoyed hearing their stories and seeing the tears well up in their eyes as they described the people they saw, but I don't think I understood what I was really missing out on. This year was different. Amber (unfortunately) was again gone for a school function so it was just the boys, Jeff and I. Prior to going to Walmart, we knelt in prayer and asked for the Lord's help as we searched for those persons who needed it the most. Once we got to the store, Jeff and I took one of the boys and split up. Danny came with me. I simply walked with him as he meticulously observed the people we passed. I noticed myself looking more closely at these individuals too. My heart hurt as I realized how often I have blinders on as I busily tackle the items on my to-do list and how often I miss seeing the people around me....and more importantly, how often I miss opportunities to be the Lord's hand here on earth. Danny and I walked around the grocery area twice before Danny decided who he felt needed the gift card. He told me that he had seen this individual twice as we roamed the aisles and he felt this person needed it the most. He walked up, presented the gift card, and said Merry Christmas. I was pleased to see the smile on this man's face, but even more pleased to see the smile on Danny's face. We met up with Dallin and Jeff who told a similar story of the person they found. As we drove home, there were smiles on everyone's faces and peace in our hearts. This is truly the season of giving...but it doesn't have to be the only season if we are willing to open our eyes to the opportunities around us each day.

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