Monday, December 29, 2014

Arizona bound!

Today the boys, Jeff and I (along with my niece, Kaia) headed down to Arizona to celebrate the New Year! Unfortunately, the girls either had to work or had school responsibilities and were unable to join us. The joys of being an adult! In any case, I was more than a little excited to go "home" for the week. While I have adjusted (for the most part) to living in Utah, I keep telling Jeff that it won't really be my "home" state until I've lived here longer than I lived in maybe around age 70. Jeff would like to believe I shed a tear of sorrow when we crossed the Arizona border, but it was more a shout of joy. I was ready for sun, warmer weather, and family. I got two out of the three. Unfortunately, Arizona hit a "cold" snap the week we were there and didn't get out of the low 50s. I guess I shouldn't complain when the highs in Payson were only in the 20s. Still, I didn't mind the cold or the rain because I had my sunshine and my family. My sister, Nichole, and her family live in Arizona as well, but my sister, Krystle, her family, and my brother, Michael, and his wife, Jenn were also there. It was quite the Shumway party! We woke up early so we could get to my parents house before dinner that day. After we had dinner, we headed to the Mesa LDS temple to see the temple lights. I grew up visiting the beautiful light display every year so I wanted to make sure we saw the lights before they turned them off on New Years Eve. As Jeff and I wandered around the temple grounds, I got a bit choked up as I recalled our wedding day. This is OUR temple. This was where I convenanted to spend eternity with my best friend, companion, comfort, support, and eternal love. I will always cherish this sacred place. It was a great way to start our little New Years vacation.
All the kids (including my cousin's kids): Kate, Kaia, Kate B., Kelsey, Nolan, Tyler, Daniel, Dallin, Colton

With my handsome prince in front of our castle.

My cute parents.

The two most important men in my life.

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