Sunday, June 2, 2013

Priesthood in Action the following pictures were clandestinely taken while I was in church. I couldn't help myself! I felt so overwhelmed with gratitude for the gospel and pride for the men in my life who hold the priesthood that I wanted to take a moment to honor them. Today was Jeff's first day conducting during sacrament meeting. Since it was the first Sunday, he was also privileged to share his testimony prior to allowing others to do the same. I wish I could describe in words how much I love Jeff. I keep thinking that there is no possible way my heart can hold more love for that man...but I have learned that the heart knows no bounds. I love that he honors his priesthood and that he is worthy to serve. I love that I get to counsel with him as we lead and guide our little family. I love his humility and his desire to do what the Lord wants. I feel privileged to be his eternal companion. I also feel privileged to raise two boys (and two girls) who have (and will) received the priesthood. I watched as Dallin carefully and reverently passed the sacrament to the ward. I have always admired his tender heart and sensitive spirit. He also has a great desire to serve and is recognizing more and more that the priesthood he holds is all about service to others. I felt privileged to drive him around after church to collect fast offerings and to talk to him about that responsibility. I feel so excited to be able to have a front row seat as I watch him learn and grow and progress. I don't know where I would be without the truths of the gospel and the power I receive from the atonement. I know this church is Christ's church restored to this earth. I know I am never happier than when I am living the way Christ would want me to live. I know I have felt His love and comfort over the past year as I've made significant changes in my life. I know I have received joy beyond comprehension from doing things His way. I am proud to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...and I'm proud to have two worthy priesthood holders in my home. Thank you Jeff and Dallin for honoring your priesthood and serving our family and others.

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