Friday, October 25, 2013

No School!

Today the kids didn't have any school because it was the end of the first term. I can't believe how quickly the first 9 weeks have gone! The kids may not agree with me, but it seems to be whizzing by. I hope it keeps up this least until we get through the whole snow season then it can slow down again. (As you can tell, I'm still not ready for the snow!) In any case, I decided to take the kids to the Provo Rec Center. Jeff has been super busy with work since we returned so it was just the kids and I. We headed to Wendy's to grab a quick lunch before spending a couple hours at the rec center. It is a really nice facility! The kids enjoyed taking advantage of all the amenities but spent the most of their time in the pool (not surprising). Before going home, we made a quick stop at Krystle's house so the rest of the kids could meet their new cousin, Nolan. Poor Danny has been a little under the weather so he wasn't able to hold Nolan, but the others were. It was fun to watch how excited they were to meet the newest member of the family. I know it hasn't even been a year yet, but there are a days when it seems like we've always been a family. That's not to say that there aren't those days when I realize we are all still getting used to each other, but on the days where everything seems to go well I find myself on my knees giving thanks to my Father in Heaven. While each baby is a miracle, each successfully blended family is one as well. I love my kids and am grateful for their talents and strengths. They have taught me more than I think they'll ever know.

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