Thursday, October 17, 2013

Palmyra, NY

Today Jeff and I explored the LDS church history sites in Palmyra, NY. Again, this was my first time and I couldn't hold back the tears as I walked through the sacred sites that played key roles in bringing back Christ's church on this earth. There was such a strong feeling of peace as we strolled through the Sacred Grove, climbed Hill Cumorah, and explored the Smith Farm, Grandin printing shop and Whitmer Farm that no one could deny that something incredible happened at those places. I think my favorite place was the Sacred Grove. Jeff and I did a tour of the Smith farm and then explored the Grove (where God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith to restore the true church of Christ to the earth). At one point, we found a bench to sit on and a flood of emotions overwhelmed me. I know what happened in that Grove in the Spring of 1820 is true. I know I have a very real Father in Heaven who loves me and is aware of all my joys and sorrows. I know that I have a Savior who, through His atoning sacrifice, allows an imperfect being such as myself the opportunity to return to live with my Father in Heaven if I will repent and follow Him. Before I had ever entered that grove of trees, I had been silently praying to have my testimony of those truths strengthened and while I didn't receive any heavenly manifestations, I did receive a spirit of peace and gratitude that I could not deny. I am so grateful for the sacrifices of Joseph Smith and the early members of the church who held strong to the truth they'd received despite all the persecutions and trials that were heaped upon them. I enjoyed every site we visited. I loved hearing how the Book of Mormon was first printed and seeing all the minute details that went into that process. I marveled at the small log home that once housed the Smith family (which included 9 children). I wondered how the first attendees of the first church service at the Whitmer farm felt as they listened to a prophet of the Lord in these latter-days. Jeff and I ended our day by going to the Palmyra temple. I couldn't think of a better way to end the day than to sit in the Lord's house and contemplate His goodness and glory. While the awe-inspiring creations of Niagra Falls were breathtaking, today definitely trumped yesterday!
Hill Cumorah - where Joseph Smith received the Gold Plates from which he translated the Book of Mormon. 

The small Smith farmhouse where Joseph was tutored in the Bible by his parents. 

Joseph slept in the loft and received a vision of an Angel named Moroni who told him about the Gold Plates and taught Joseph of his responsibilities. 
The frame home on the Smith farm that they built and moved into. 
The fireplace where Joseph hid the Gold Plates on one occasion when mobs came to steal them.
Walking towards the Sacred Grove. We loved the New England fall colors!! 
In the Sacred Grove

Before going to the temple that night, we went back to the Sacred Grove and snapped this cool picture of the setting sun...and Jeff recreating what Joseph may have experienced when he saw a "light brighter than noonday sun" descending on him. 
Where the Book of Mormon was first published.

Where the church was organized 

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