Wednesday, December 18, 2013

12 Days of Service: Day 7

Tonight's service activity was another family favorite! I have to say that I have been surprised at how much the kids have embraced this new tradition. Sure, we've had moments of arguments regarding how to complete a certain activity, but there has never been any complaints about carrying out the activities. For today's service, I set an envelope on the counter labeled "drive thru donations". I instructed the kids that they needed to donate at least a dollar but that it was up to them how much they decided to contribute. It was anonymous so that no one else knew how much someone put in. I wanted them to learn to give and to have their hearts guided as to how much...even if that amount was more than what they felt they could give. We have wanted to teach our kids that the joy we receive is more than any sacrifice we may make....and that service is sometimes a sacrifice. I want them to be responsible to themselves and to the Lord for the choices in their lives...including those good choices. In any case, the deal was that we would use the money in the envelope to pay for the car behind us in the drive thru. If we didn't use the entire amount in one drive thru, we'd go to another one and another one until all the money was gone. Jeff and I agreed to contribute the amount necessary to make up any difference at the last drive thru. Tonight we made it through THREE drive thrus (which for Payson is a lot!...if the kids contribute more next year we may have to expand into Spanish Fork to be able to utilize all the money!). It was fun to watch the kids reactions as they saw different cars pull in behind us and wonder what kind of life that person had. The kids were so sad when the money ran out and all vowed to contribute more next year.

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