Thursday, December 19, 2013

12 Days of Service: Day 8

Tonight our service activity led us to Walmart. Now, before al my AZ connections start laughing at the irony of service opportunities at Walmart, Jeff and I felt that there would be more of a variety of individuals there that would allow the kids to really seek out the Spirit's help as to who to serve. So I went to Walmart earlier in the day and purchased four gift cards. Jeff and I then gave each child a gift card after we knelt to pray and ask for the Lord's guidance in directing us to those who may need it the most. We then went to Walmart and split up (Jeff stayed with Danny). Each child was instructed to wander the store and find the person or family that they felt would most benefit from the gift card. I remained at the front of the store where we were to all meet once they gifted their cards. I loved hearing each story! Each child commented on how they simply "knew" or felt a burning inside when they saw a family or person to whom to give the gift card. They continued to tell me about the reactions of those individuals. One father reportedly had tears in his eyes as he accepted the card with his four kids around him. Another individual was overheard when she made sure her kids knew that what Danny did was what Christmas was all about. I don't know the end to those stories. I don't know if there was truly a financial, spiritual, or emotional need of the recipients of those gift cards, but I do know that all my kids returned to the front of the store with smiles and memories that will hopefully inspire giving all year round.

And they're off... 
I followed Laurin long enough to see her find the family she felt inspired to give the card to.

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